Plan To Attend
C.L.E.A.N Conference 2024 🎉


An Opportunity To Connect, Learn, Energize, Achieve & Network.

Join us for our annual physical conference where we hit the reset button to unlearn, learn and relearn concepts that help to revolutionise our personal lives and work.


Meet and network with other professionals and individuals who are investing into their personal and career development.


Listen to talks from industry leaders and facilitators who will share from their treasure trove of experience.


The conference offers us an opportunity to hit the reset button to recharge and reinvigorate ourselves for the journey ahead.

Five Pillars of the C.L.E.A.N Conference

People connect when they share a common purpose. Our link in C.L.E.A.N is our belief we can achieve anything we purpose irrespective of our circumstances. We believe we can remove the lid.

Learning from the experience of others may propel us further.

Energize: Knowing the story behind other people’s success energizes us not to give up on our dreams.

Successful people have some traits – they ‘believe’ and they ‘do’.

Life is easier when we have relationships we can draw on. With C.L.E.A.N., there will be access to more relationships through collaboration.

Registrations for the C.L.E.A.N Conference 2024 are now closed. Please keep an eye on your email for subsequent updates.

C.L.E.A.N Conference 2024 Registration Form